Coronary CTA
Coronary CT angiography (CTA) is a noninvasive diagnostic that employs computed tomography-based X-rays to diagnose coronary artery disease. Coronary CTA offers high-resolution images of the blood arteries that nourish the heart, enabling the diagnosis of plaque-induced constriction or obstruction.
Who Should Consider a Coronary CTA?
Patients who might benefit from a coronary CTA are those who have the following:
Preparation for a CT angiogram
Dr. Sanjay Gupta at Health Care Imaging Centre, Meerut, will tell you how to prepare for a CT angiogram. Before the test, you may have to stop taking some medicines for a short time.
Most of the time, you won't eat for about four hours before a test. You can still drink water.
If you are going to have a coronary CT angiogram, you can't drink caffeine for 12 hours before the test. Caffeine can make your heart beat faster and make it harder to see your coronary arteries.

How will the day of the CT angiogram do at Health Care Imaging Centre, Meerut?
Most of the time, a CT angiogram is done by Dr. Sanjay Gupta at Health Care Imaging Centre, Meerut. You'll change into a hospital gown when you get there. You'll have to remove your glasses and anything metal, like jewelry, hairpins, or dentures. You can usually still get a CT angiogram even if you have a pacemaker, a joint replacement, or other metal implants in your body. This is because most implants are made of titanium. If you have a metal implant, you should let your doctor know.